A Roof of Silence
AROS Paris
Exhibition design + Editorial
Exhibition design + Editorial
Publication A4 / Poster 800 x 1200 AR
3 Novembre 2021 - 18 Feburary 2022
Interactive 3D soundwalk. Individual identification of urban sound landscapes. A new exhibition highlights sounds that have the
have the fascinating potential to be ignored. Realised and supervised in collaboration with MA Sound Design Ecal and ZHDKAudio Communication Group.
A Roof of Silence
AROS Paris
Exhibition design + Editorial
︎ Exhibition design +
Publication A4 / Poster 800 x 1200 AR
︎ November 2021 -
March 2022
Interactive 3D soundwalk. Individual identification of urban sound landscapes.
A new exhibition highlights sounds that
have the have the fascinating potential to be ignored. Realised and supervised in collaboration with MA Sound Design Ecal and ZHDKAudio Communication Group.